Upcycled book bag from Becca's room with dirt spots artfully covered with dreidel patches. The kitten is a drawing modeled after Kit Kat Sarah's rescue cat.
This is one of the beaded pieces I worked with Karen on while Steve was in surgery. The ceramic piece had a broken pin back so I got it for 25cents at a flea market in Gaithersburg, Maryland a year ago.
Gail had seen a very cute burlap tote in a fancy gift shop we made our own in different sizes this is one of three at my house. They are lined with linen and have embroidery hoops sewn inside at the top to keep them open. I supplied the burlap, hoops and an antique crocheted pieces and Gail did the labor
This was my crow bag for the fall festivals. Hand drawn crow with freestyle machine embroidery. The bag is upcycled from Salvation Army.
Lastly is a bird print that is multidimensional printing the artist used natural components to make up the bird, the tree is a piece of toile cotton that was cut and layered and sewn freestyle machine embroidery onto the paper. The one on the right is Gail's print and she thinks she will write a Robert Frost poem onto the piece in the blank are between moon and bird.