Tuesday, October 30, 2012

fun with friends

I love beading and creating with others. My beading buddy is also into doing jewelry and does mixed media more than I do. She is more playful with polymer clay than I am. Working with her makes me more adventurous. I make pendants and beads to match with the polymer clay embellishing with little sead beads, inks and powders.

I find when I go to my jewelry area that I gravitate to those pieces with beads I have made. I feel a bit more artsy when it has some of my spirit and joy is reflected back to me. They do not have to be perfect match in fact there sudtle differences are fun to me. The mixture of textures and colors make the pieces for me.

Even when working with the metal clay with  my sister I find I like the pieces with more than one type of metal.
Just had a fun evening with Karen doing polymer beading. We both were dealing with stress that as mothers we could not do much to affect rather had to just deal with in support of our boys.

My oldest is in Afghanistan with the USMC doing what he is trained to do and volunteered to do. Yes I know it was a great oppurtunity for him but still as a mother volunteering seems just so wrong. I am handling the stress with swimming harder and working the weights harder. Only that day it was not working well enough. So when my girlfriend said "I need to bead" I was more than ready.

So that night we rolled, shaped and formed works of beauty while offering love and support to each other. The caring was wonderful but to top it....oh yes she made me a home-cooked meal as well. I will have some pretties to wear that are a tangible reminder that something soft like clay under the heat can be made stronger. I just need to be like momma clay soft hearted and toughen up as needed.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

fall fun

I love halloween and can not believe how fast it is approaching. We were blessed in September to have David and his girlfriend Liz with us. I met Davin Palm Springs after he finished at 29-Palms spent time with my parents and sister.
Lucy is an accomplished metal clay artist and she was nice enough to fly her clays and tools down to Palm Springs for me to play with. I made several pendants in rose bronxe, yellow bronxe, steel and copper. Lucy trained under Hagar Jacobson so I feel like I am 2nd generation clay artist in the Hadar line. Lucy had to take the piece back to San Ramon to fire and finsih I will b egetting those back for my holiday present this year.

Just finished a batch of Halloween necklaces. I tend to buy beads and horde them for a while. I will match them up with other beads and keep them together for a while. I then will wait a week or two and then reaccess them add more beads and wait again. Then like today I will get them all out and usually make some combination of the first look and the second look.

From etsy  https://www.etsy.com/shop//WackyPup I got a wonderful two pumpkin pendant. I had written her to say I was getting complements on the ones I had bought in 2011, lucky for me Elizaabeth made some new ones.

Also from etsy some hand made lampwork beads an witchy owl and one eyed monster https://www.etsy.com/shop//moonrakerbeads. I added some handmade beads I had gotten at the Wildwood  Boardwalk craft fair Memorial day weekend 2012.

I had a piece of dichoic glass that I was not wearing enough so I jazzed it up with chains and pearls. I love it but my daughter Sarah loved it more it is going back to college with her.
Now for the Day of the Dead celebration I love to use a skull bead this year I was seeing alot of mustaches on Pinterest so here with the help of
https://www.etsy.com/shop//FrancescaDeCaire I found the perfect skull bead on etsy.