Friday, January 6, 2012

This is painful

My New Year's resolution was to start blogging about my life, my passions. Two of my top passion are my faith and my artistic expressions. As a Jew I have a faith that sustains me every day every minute. I believe in a creator that  brings good to me and others. When I am beading it is as if a small part of the creator is with me. Thus I have done beading under my  company Jewbeadilation- a Jewish twist on jubilation what creating art does for me.

However my kids will tell you I am not that computer savvy. This will be a painful experience as I figure my way here. So far I made my header that alone was ridiciously complicated for me. Photoshop was too confusing, did the tutorial at the website okay then it got easy-peasy, got it only to have my computer need Internet explorer that stopped me in my tracks.

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